"Yellow Roses"
Oil Paintings On Canvas
20in. x 20in. each
£150.00 GBP
Shipping prices depend on location. |
"Japanese Peonies"
Oil Paintings On Canvas
20in. x 20in. each
£200.00 GBP
Shipping prices depend on location. |
Oil on Canvas
30in. x 30in.
£150.00 GBP
Shipping prices depend on location. |
Oil on Canvas
20in. x 20in.
£80.00 GBP
Shipping prices depend on location. |
Oil On Canvas
60cms x 60cms
Oil Paintings On Canvas
Diptich 18in. x 24in. each
£200.00 GBP
Shipping prices depend location. |
"Fairy Realm"
Oil on Canvas
2 x 16in. x 20in.
£80.00 GBP each or £160.00 GBP for both.
Shipping costs depend on location. |
"Lilium Regale"
Oil Painting On Canvas
24in. x 18in.
£120.00 GBP
Shipping prices depend on location. |
"Fruit & Flowers"
Acrylic Painting On Canvas
51cms x 61cms
Shipping prices depend on location. |
"Bottles and Fruit"
Oil on Canvas
18in. x 24in.
£150.00 GBP
Shipping prices depend on location. |
Oil on Canvas
18in. x 20in.
£200.00 GBP
Shipping prices depend on location. |
"Flowers in Turquoise Vase"
Oil on Canvas
24in x 24in
£180.00 GBP
Shipping prices depend on location. |
"Hymalayan Poppies"
Oil Painting On Canvas
24in. x 24in.
£150.00 GBP
Shipping prices depend on location. |
Oil on Canvas
16in. x 20in.
£80.00 GBP
Shipping prices depend on location. |
"Richmond Rose"
Oil Painting On Canvas
24in. x 24in.
£100.00 GBP
Shipping prices depend on location. |
"Fairy Realm 1"
Oil on Canvas
16in. x 20in.
£80.00 GBP
Shipping costs depend on location. |
"Moonlight Fairy"
Oil Painting On Canvas
60cms x 60cms
"Fairy Realm 2"
Oil on Canvas
16in. x 20in.
£80.00 GBP
Shipping costs depend on location. |
"Japanese Girl"
Oil Painting On Canvas
46cms x 65cms
£195.00 GBP
Shipping depends on location. |
"Among The Roses"
"Peacock In Magnolia Tree"
Oil on Canvas
20in. x 30in in gold frame
£185.00 GBP
Shipping would depend on location. |
"The Isabella Plantation In Spring"
Oil on Canvas
Oil on Canvas
Diptich2 x 12in x 20in.
£150.00 GBP
Shipping prices depend on location. |
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